Witherley are able to supple to following products and services:
Quarried / Primary Aggregates
We offer a full range of primary aggregates including crushed rock, sands and gravels.
Our crushed rock sources include Granite, Grit stone, Basalt, Limestone and Ironstone. These typically are crushed graded into Type 1, Type 2, 600 series materials, bulk fill material, pipe beddings, gabion stone & track ballast.
Our sand & gravel products include 6mm/10mm/14mm/20mm and 40mm gravel, 20mm ballast, washed concrete sand, building sand and fill sand.
Site specific bespoke requirements are catered for using our own staff expertise and in group technical department for further support and advice.
Recycled / Secondary Aggregates
We can offer a comprehensive range of recycled aggregates composed of brick and concrete, blast furnace slag, incinerator bottom ash (IBAA), pulverised fuel ash (PFA) and road planings.
These can be processed to produce Type 1, Type 2, 600 series materials, pipe beddings and general fills as well as site specific specifications.
All sources are inspected on a regular basis by our experienced Business Managers to ensure that quality is maintained and that you, the customer, are fully aware of all the available options for any given application.
Decorative / Sport Aggregates
Decorative aggregates We stock Forest of Dean chippings, Welsh Green chippings, York Gold gravel and naturally rounded gravel to name a few, and are able to match up if you have a small sample for us to compare to. Please browse our gallery for ideas and inspiration.
Sports/Equestrian aggregates Witherley have successful experience in supplying specialist sands for sports applications. These include all weather surfaces, equestrian arenas, golf courses, bowling greens and non-staining playpit sand.
We can supply all grades of topsoil. We have as-dug topsoil, screened topsoil, BS3882 tested topsoil, rootzones, tree pit soils and topdressing. With the increasing complexity in sourcing the correct topsoil our technical assistance is always on hand for site specific requirements to ensure you always use the correct topsoil for the correct application.
Muck away / Bulk earth moving
Witherley Services are an authorised waste carrier and broker. With our fleet of 8 wheel tippers we recycle or dispose inert, non-hazardous and hazardous excavation waste.
We are happy to work to all pricing options including by the load or on a measure.
All offices are experienced in dealing with site investigation reports and chemical analysis. We actively monitor relevant changes in environmental legislation and advice is always at hand to ensure continued compliance with your and our Environmental Duty of Care requirements.