Warm mix asphalt

We have made the switch!

Aggregate Industries is driving forward with the commitment towards Net Zero. Moving our asphalt production from hot mix to warm mix. 

What is warm mix asphalt (WMA)?
Mixed at temperatures 20°- 40°C lower than hot mix asphalt (HMA), warm mix asphalt provides a more sustainable solution for road applications. 
All base and binder material is now produced as warm mix as standard.  In addition Aggregate Industries has attained BBA certification for our SHW Clause 942 materials as a warm mix, and many of our performance asphalt products can also be manufactured as warm mix.
How does it work? Through the use of additives and innovative technology, we’ve tested our range of asphalt products to ensure they still meet national specifications, including National Highways standard (SHW clause 908). Warm mix asphalt reduces CO2 emissions by using less fossil fuels and resources during the manufacturing process.
Environmental benefits of using warm mix asphalt, include:
  • carbon reduction
  • reduced project costs 
  • enhanced life-expectancy
  • …with the same high quality and performance when compared to hot mix. 

On-site benefits:

  • reduced nuisance fuming
  • minimal odour and steam at the project site
  • safer working conditions at both the plant and site
Get in Touch
  • North

01524 738887

  • Midlands

01455 288222

  • South

01373 451234

Warm Mix Asphalt was delivered to Cramond Bridge in Edinburgh, Scotland. This is the first time Aggregate Industries has worked with the City of Edinburgh Council.

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View our full range of asphalt products.

Our Sustainability Strategy is central to driving our business, setting ambitious goals to accelerate our transition to a Net Zero and Circular economy.

We will protect and enhance the local environment, grow and develop our people and invest in communities where we live and work.

Warm mix asphalt resources

Want to know more about warm mix asphalt? Click on the resources below.